About Us
Ethnos Asia Ministries is committed to strengthening the Body of Christ in Access-Restricted Nations in Asia (ARNA) and serving as a catalyst to mobilize the Body of Christ worldwide to address the needs of these believers.
What are access-restricted nations?
Access-restricted nations are nations without “freedom of religion.” Restriction shows up in many forms - through direct government persecution and legal restrictions; political instability; or conflict between ethnic and religious groups. There is access into these nations but restricted access. These access-restricted nations comprise most of the world’s unreached peoples and most of the governments that oppose Christianity.
Half of the world’s population is in Asia, representing the largest blocks of the main world religions and philosophies—Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Animism, and Communism. Hence, there is a need for the gospel of Christ. The gospel is the hope for Asia and all other nations. Jesus said to His disciples “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” (Matthew 9:37)
What We Do
Our Ministries
A vision-based program and strategy designed to mobilize the church for prayer, evangelism, discipleship (church planting), leadership, and community transformation in the access-restricted nations in Asia (ARNA).
As the church continues to grow, so does the need for Bibles and Christian literature. These materials are often scarce, unavailable, or too expensive to purchase for an ordinary believer. For more than 20 years, Ethnos Asia Ministries has delivered nearly a million Bibles, hymnbooks, and other Christian literature to restricted countries in Asia and yet, the need is still great.
Prayer mobilization for the church worldwide to minister to ARNA, using our monthly prayer focus, prayer net, prayer journeys, and prayer conferences.
Providing the church worldwide with an opportunity to hear and respond to the voice of the persecuted Christians in Asia.
Providing food, medicine, clothing, and other essentials to Christians facing crises, including the Karen in border communities and persecuted believers in Laos and Vietnam. Emergency assistance has also supported earthquake survivors in Nepal and Afghanistan, and flood victims in Cambodia, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.
Our Offices
GPO Box 2821 Bangkok, Thailand
Tel (662) 2585808
info@ethnos-asia.orgUNITED STATES
P.O. Box 61014, Irvine, CA 92602
Tel (951) 2866872
PO Box M-096 Mandaluyong Post Office 1550 Mandaluyong City Philippines
Tel (632) 85348512
PO Box 3138 Bankstown NSW 2200 AUSTRALIA
Tel +614 2284 896