China and North Korea

China is the world’s most populous country and a major regional power in Asia. It has been one of the world’s earliest civilizations. For 15 years, North Korea ranks no. 1 in the world watch list of countries with the worst persecution of Christians. During the communist control, foreign presence and growing influence, the country was strongly met with varying degrees of resistance for decades faced fresh oppositions. Christianity which was brought by western missionaries and seen as carriers of foreign persuasions were heavily persecuted.

“Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die…” Rev. 3:2 ESV

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Key Issues

Population Control
In October of 2015, China had relaxed their one-child policy to a two-child policy. This has been made to address their aging population. This is a welcome change compared to their decades long program of abortion and sterilization with as many as 13 million abortions per year. There are also 3 million children in orphanages with millions of children that have been abandoned or trafficked.

Restrictions on the gospel
The country is officially atheist. Churches must be registered and be part of the official church in China. It is still illegal to spread the Gospel to anyone under the age of 18. However there are many churches that do not align themselves with the official church so as not to come under the control of the government.

In 2016, at the eastern province of Zhejiang, thousands of crosses have been removed from the roofs of more than a thousand churches as part of a campaign of the local government to remove ‘foreign influence’. This has even resulted in the arrest of a pastor and his wife for obstructing the work of the government.

Prayer Concerns

Even though China’s economic growth has increased over the years, their physical and mental health has suffered.

  • Pray for the Chinese that they will value life, mentally, socially and spiritually.

There has been a crackdown by the government on cults and other organized religion.

  • Pray for the house church movement in China to remain steadfast in the Lord in the midst of harassment and pressure from the government.
  • Pray for the unity of the body of Christ and peace to be upon the Christians in China.
  • Pray that the churches will have a solid foundation on the Gospel and on the Word of God and not be led astray.

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North Korea

Key Issues

Government’s Iron-rule
The country is one of the most highly controlled societies in the world. Anything that comes in conflict with their government, society and leader is forbidden. It is a totalitarian state with a leadership dependent on the cult of the personality. The former ruler Kim IL Sung is still held in high regard and has been declared Eternal President of the country even though he has been dead for decades.

Their ideology is called Juche, or self-reliance. They declare that they are self-suffcient and do not need any help from the outside. They have however experienced a number of food shortages over the years due to drought from severe flooding in 2012 and 2016. People have been forced to eat grass and roots to survive.

Freedom in the Country
It is still one of the most secretive nations in the world. Very little is known from inside North Korea. There are very few foreign professionals teaching and working inside the country.

Prayer Concerns

  • Pray for God to speak to the hearts and minds of the leaders of this nation. Pray that this nation would be open to hear the Word of God.
  • Pray that Christian professionals working in the country would have the boldness and wisdom to share the gospel.
  • The government is against Christianity and the Gospel. Pray that the church in North Korea will endure to the very end. Pray for the whole nation to have a change of heart and turn to Jesus.